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The Power Of Adaptability


The unknown for most people is a challenge. Whether it’s a new job, a relationship or just everyday things, adaptability is a key skill to be able to face new situations without feeling stressed.

What is adaptability?

Adaptability is a person’s ability (due to inclination, motivation, and will) to adapt or change to cope with a new situation or a change in the environment. In the fast pace of everyday life, adaptability is an important element in maintaining mental health.

Adaptability is the ability to move in a particular direction at any given moment. This can happen physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

Many of us enter a new situation full of preconceptions about what might happen. These biases can come from personal past experiences, other people’s experiences, or wrong beliefs.

They then create rules about what will happen based on these beliefs, and these rules influence their choices or actions.

Whether it is a change in our diet, a new relationship, or a new job, we all approach the situation with specific expectations, demands, and desires. Expectations represent what we assume will happen, what we really need to happen, and what we want to happen.

The power of adaptability depends on our expectations, needs and desires. It means we bridge the gap between the risk we see in change and the opportunities that arise from that risk.

Where does adaptability come from?

Adaptability feels like an inner strength that helps you ward off negative emotions like fear, worry, or even despair when faced with change.

Studies show that people who are highly adaptable create close relationships, engage in meaningful interaction, and do things they are committed to. People who have a strong support network are better equipped to deal with change.

Dealing with change

There are some steps that can help you when facing a change or challenge:

The importance of adaptability

Changes are known to intensify anxiety, worry, and sometimes depression. This happens to all humans, as we are creatures of habit and find it excruciating to do things differently. Sometimes, people stay stuck in difficult situations because the fear of change paralyzes them.

Positive psychology states that people who can cope better with life’s changes have certain abilities and potential.

Key competencies include:

  1. Resilience : is the ability to recover from adversity. This is a vital skill because life is full of challenges, from which no one can escape. Many times in life painful things happen that break us down. However, people who have endurance do not give up. Sooner or later they get up, recover and move on with their lives.
  2. Flexibility : is one ‘s ability to go with the flow. A flexible person can cope with pressures and not be overwhelmed. Flexibility is important nowadays because there are always challenges especially at work.
  3. Adaptability : it is the ability to be able to change and adapt to what arises. Today’s era requires us to adapt and learn new skills to fit into a new environment.

Enhance adaptability

You can become more adaptable by doing the following:

Focus on one goal

Adaptability doesn’t mean going from one thing to another. Adaptability is linked to endurance, as is persistence . Resilient people stay committed to things. They keep going, even when the going gets tough. This is the ability of concentration, discipline and motivation to complete a process. Willingness creates endurance. As a result, you can be more adaptable as you deal better with adversity and rejection.

Be willing to learn

In fact we never stop learning. Willingness to learn new methods, processes and ways of doing things, taking on new tasks, trying something different are decisive in our lives. You can learn a new language if you wish or join a group. It’s easy to make excuses and tell yourself you don’t have time. But this is your life so take action. Respond with positive energy to new challenges, the unknown and the unexpected.

Keep your spontaneity 

Don’t overanalyze or have second thoughts about what you’re doing. Spontaneity helps you accept what happens unplanned , such as a last-minute invitation, a change in weekend plans, and face whatever comes up with a smile. Grab the chance, it might not come again.


It’s true that when you go to the gym you build physical and mental endurance, and we all know that adaptability and endurance are connected. There are three types of flexibility:

  1. Intellectual flexibility : which includes the use of different ways of thinking and strategies.
  2. Emotional flexibility : the ability to change our approach to deal with our own and others’ emotions.
  3. Mood flexibility : the ability to remain optimistic and realistic at the same time.

You can practice these forms of flexibility, the opportunities are all around you every day.

See the change positively

Although it’s normal to want to resist change , try building your adaptability and responding positively by changing your behavior the next time you’re faced with a change. Take small steps. Feeling frustrated by a change? Show enthusiasm even if you don’t feel it. Couldn’t find tickets for the show you wanted to see? Smile and choose to do something completely different, a new experience. Did you lose your job? You definitely feel upset, but a quick recovery will help you make positive changes and move on.

Be creative in solving problems

Studies show that people who can find solutions to a problem can also better deal with problems that others cannot. Whenever you face a new challenge, make a list of possible solutions to the problem . Follow different strategies and focus on the logical solution of the issue. Practicing these skills regularly will help you be better prepared when a serious problem arises.

Be courageous

Everything really can turn into a crisis or a problem if we want it to. Refuse to see yourself as a victim in any situation and always look for ways to deal with it. If you’ve always been a reactive person, this will be difficult at first. Remember that you cannot always control the situations and events that happen around you, you can only control your own reactions and behaviors. If you focus on this you have a good chance of positively affecting the situation.

We all need endurance in our lives. Resilience allows us to adapt well when faced with traumatic events, major changes, stress or everyday challenges. Flexibility keeps us focused on our goal. That way you have the motivation to keep going and the strength to deal with whatever comes up.

If you are not adaptable you can work it. With the help of psychotherapy you can improve your mental endurance, adaptability and flexibility so that you are ready to face periods of change or difficulties.

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