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Bipolar Disorder – All You Want To Know

bipolar disorder

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder, or formerly manic depression, is a mental illness characterized by dramatic changes in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to carry out daily activities. Changes include emotional swings with intense joy and increased activity or intense sadness and a lack of interest. These episodes occur several times over time and may include psychotic-type symptoms in some patients. Although one will have bipolar disorder forever, its symptoms can be limited and treated if the patient consults a doctor and follows the appropriate treatment regimen.

The types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder can occur at any age but is typically diagnosed in young adulthood.

What are the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

People with Bipolar Disorder experience periods of unusually intense emotions and changes in sleep patterns, activity level, and behavior. The way a person treats others and their mood during these times are different from their permanent behavior.

Symptoms of manic episodes include:

Symptoms of depressive episodes include:

Sometimes the patient may experience symptoms of mania and depression at the same time. This is called a mixed type episode. Sometimes they can manifest mood swings that are less obvious and intense.

Some people with Bipolar Disorder experience hypomania, a less severe form of mania. During such an episode, the person feels very good, productive, and functional. The person themselves may feel very optimistic, yet their family may recognize these symptoms as exaggerated and may worry about Bipolar Disorder.

The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder can cause unpredictable changes in mood and behavior, leading to significant distress and difficulty living.

What are the causes and risk factors for Bipolar Disorder?

The causes of Bipolar Disorder are not clearly defined. However, there are some risk factors that are blamed for the onset of the disease. People with Bipolar Disorder show biological differences in their brain structure and function compared to other people.

It is also being investigated whether there are specific genes responsible for the disease, as it has been observed that it occurs more often among first-degree relatives, such as parents and children.

In summary, risk factors include:

How is the diagnosis made?

The correct and timely diagnosis and treatment of Bipolar Disorder will ensure the patient a better quality of life, in which they will be able to be much more productive.

A proper diagnosis requires a psychiatric evaluation. The doctor will carry out the necessary clinical and laboratory tests to determine if there is a pathological cause that causes the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. During the examination and interview, personal questions will be asked about thoughts and feelings, as well as the completion of a questionnaire. A daily diary in which the person with Bipolar Disorder notes their mood, how they feel, and how they slept the night before may also be needed.

How is it treated?

Bipolar Disorder is a condition that will follow the patient throughout his or her life. However, with appropriate treatment, symptoms can be managed and reduced, ensuring a better quality of life for both the patient and their loved ones. Depending on the individual’s needs, the treatment may include:

There are many treatments for bipolar disorder. The type of treatment and the dosage of the drugs prescribed are based on the particular characteristics and symptoms of the patient. In any case, if you are taking any medication, you should not stop it suddenly without receiving instructions from your doctor first.

Complications of Bipolar Disorder

If Bipolar Disorder is not treated in time and its symptoms are neglected, it can lead to serious problems that may affect a patient’s life at various levels, such as:

Very often, patients with Bipolar Disorder also suffer from other emotional, developmental, or anxiety disorders such as anxiety disorder, eating disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or other pathological problems such as cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, and obesity. These phenomena are either a consequence of the disease or of the medication.

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