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7 Foods That Activate Stress And Anxiety

foods That Activate Stress

Did you know that there are foods that affect emotions and can trigger stress? Experts point out that even if they are not the cause of stress, some foods can affect the frequency and severity of the event.

The modern way of life, especially in large urban centers, is to blame for burdening us with excessive stress, a fact that is of course directly related to our workload and obligations. What many of us do not know, however, is that stress is directly related even to the foods we eat in our daily lives. Keep reading to see who is most to blame for this burden on our bodies and minds.

1. Sugar

When our body is in a state of stress, more cortisol is released into the bloodstream, which raises blood sugar levels. Sugar causes exactly the same problem, putting our body at risk. It is therefore advisable to avoid foods and soft drinks with a lot of sugar and added sugars, such as pastries, soft drinks, sweets, etc.

2. Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners cause corresponding or even greater damage when consumed in large quantities. These can cause chronic health problems, such as frequent headaches, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. And if these are not scary enough, artificial sweeteners are full of stress side effects. Aspartame, for example, is found in more than 6,000 foods and beverages and in 500 prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and it causes migraines, mood disorders, and even depressive episodes.

3. Processed carbohydrates

Processed carbohydrates contain high levels of sodium, which causes intense fluid retention in the body. This causes the heart to work harder, with the result that stressful substances are released in our body and burden us.

4. Fried foods and junk food

Fried foods, like most junk foods, are full of saturated fats, which are extremely difficult for our bodies to absorb, resulting in the body working at a much faster pace. This in turn increases the stress we experience in our daily lives.

5. Ketchup

Commercially available sauces, such as ketchup, are rich in High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), which can cause severe fluctuations in blood sugar levels. In addition, starch syrup causes a greater desire to eat processed foods contributing to obesity.

6. Alcohol

Drinking alcohol, even a glass of wine at the end of the day, can have a devastating effect on our body. This is because a large amount of it helps to increase the production of hormones that cause stress symptoms in our body, such as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Many alcoholic beverages are also full of sugar and artificial sweeteners, which exacerbates the problem.

7. Coffee

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, as it releases cortisol, the stress hormone, which has been shown to worsen anxiety and sleep problems, especially in people with panic disorders. Although it initially increases serotonin levels, causing euphoria, chronic serotonin release due to excessive coffee consumption can cause depletion of this neurotransmitter in the long run. To reduce the effects of caffeine, limit your coffee intake to 1-2 cups a day.

These are the most common foods that activate stress. Try to avoid or replace them with healthier alternatives.

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