Hugs are miraculous. Why? What happens in the human body when we hug someone? Read on to find out what the power of a hug is and what it can offer you.
Every year on January 21 we celebrate National Hugging Day. This holiday is celebrated all over the world even if it has not been officially registered as a world day by the UN. The idea came from student Kevin Zaborney who in 1986 was looking for another way, an excuse to hug and offer even more hugs to the people we love.
But what is a hug?
A hug is an expression of many emotions. It can be associated with excitement, joy, sadness or the need for companionship. It has a soothing effect and gives a sense of protection & security from the person who offers it. A hug is the most selfless way to show someone that you love them. It’s the way for someone to show you that they love you. A hug is the ultimate sincere and true expression of love. It is the act that creates a strong bond with the one you embrace.
Hug types
Hugs are therapeutic and appear in all forms of relationships. The motherly-paternal embrace is the ultimate expression of parents’ love for their children. Brotherly hugs strengthen the bond that brothers have with each other. Friendly hugs can soothe any negative feelings and express unwavering support and security. Love hugs are the ultimate sign of love between 2 people. In any relationship, if a hug occurs, the only sure thing is that a small miracle takes place at that moment.

Research on hugs
Researchers report that the positive emotional experience of cuddling triggers a variety of biochemical and psychological reactions. In a study by Carnegie Mellon University, cuddling was cited as the best antidote to a virus. It is a natural vitamin that the body takes so that it is not infected by a virus. Another study shows that hugging never hurt anyone. At the same time in another research it is mentioned that hugging has been proven to be a factor of good physical and mental health.
Benefits of a hug
- The benefits of the hug we give or receive from our loved ones are manifold:
- It improves our mood
- It offers a feeling of security
- It increases self-confidence
- It relieves pain
- It strengthens ties with our loved ones
- It strengthens the empathy and understanding of the feelings of others
- It offers a feeling of completeness
- It increases euphoria
- It reduces physical pain
- It improves the mood
- It strengthens the immune system
- It helps the heart function better
- It offers peace and relaxation
- It regulates blood pressure
Expert instructions
Experts recommend that you hug your loved ones as often as you can and without necessarily having a special reason. Embrace them with all your strength and love. Hugs are miraculous. Hugs are small miracles in themselves. And you who will offer them to others unselfishly are miracle workers. Remember: A hug has never hurt anyone. On the contrary, hugs helped and saved many who had no hope.
The modern way of life and the fast rhythms that flood our daily life lead us to neglect manifestations of love and care for our loved ones such as a kiss, a hug , or even a touch. By hugging regularly, on a daily basis, you help your body stay healthy. And if you are not the type of person who does not like hugs, a caress or a touch can also help.