Many people are trying to get back their good mood, which was deprived in recent years by the pandemic through events that were anything but pleasant.
Find your good mood again after the pandemic. Closed shops, financial difficulties, and the loss of fellow human beings are just a few elements that have tarnished, more or less, the mental health of the population.
The end of this tunnel of bad mood, however, may be closer than we imagine. So close that you do not need big strides; just small but important steps.
Like the following:
1. Acts of kindness
Have you thought that doing a good deed for a fellow human being causes positive changes in the body at a hormonal level? If not, next time you donate an old book or carry the old neighbor’s shopping, remember that your kind act will trigger the secretion of oxytocin and dopamine in the body. The two neurotransmitters that we also know as “happiness hormones” are directly related to mood and sociability.
2. More hydration
According to nutritionists, lack of hydration lowers dopamine and serotonin levels, another “happiness hormone”, resulting in bad mood, stress, and depression. What is more, good hydration contributes to the proper functioning of the body in terms of digestion, temperature control, brain function, and blood circulation.
3. Less time on screens
Prolonged computer or cell phone use is associated with symptoms from the psychic realm. Try turning off the devices at regular intervals during the day and definitely at night. The blue light of the screens not only steals our sleep but also our good mood. According to a study by Johns Hopkins University, chronic exposure to nighttime light increases certain stress hormones in the body, which can lead to depression.
4. Socialization
Intense socialization is a catalyst for mental well-being. Limited sociability and loneliness, on the other hand, have an impact on mental health by multiplying the chances of depression, on cognitive function by accelerating its weakening, and also on physical health, increasing the risk of hypertension, heart disease, and death.

5. More sun
With adequate exposure to sunlight, you simultaneously improve sleep, mood, and your immune system. You increase your energy levels and you fight the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder.
6. Laughter
You can get more happiness hormones (dopamine, serotonin) and less stress hormones (cortisol) by laughing.
7. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
According to a meta-analysis of 91 studies published in Psychological Medicine, this method of psychotherapy was the most effective in people with depression, while it is generally recommended for the treatment of anxiety.
8. Healthy eating
Include in your diet foods with micronutrients that promote proper brain function by releasing neurotransmitters that reduce stress. In particular, vitamins B12 and B6, as well as tryptophan, zinc, and selenium, are important nutrients for good mood and brain function. Look for foods such as nutritional yeast, eggs, fish, dairy (B12), bananas, chickpeas, green leafy vegetables (B6), nuts, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseed.
9. Good sleep
Bad sleep is a friend of bad mood and depression, according to research data. If you have difficulty achieving satisfying and quality sleep, try these tips.
10. Less alcohol
Alcohol abuse is associated with poor mental health, reduced life satisfaction and increased mental discomfort.
11. More exercise
The golden rule recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is 150 ′ mild or 75 ′ intense physical exercise. Exercise triggers an explosion of neurotransmitters and endorphins that promote good mood.