It is certain that all of us have used aloe at some point in our daily lives, either in its natural form or, without knowing it, as an ingredient in some cream or gel. It has unique properties for both our health and beauty, and it is here to stay.
Aloe Vera is a miraculous plant, known since ancient times for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. It is a herbaceous plant with large fleshy leaves, inside of which there is a transparent jelly, rich in beneficial substances for the human body. All parts of the plant are used today for the preparation of medicines, cosmetics, and edible or drinkable nutritional supplements, due to the valuable nutrients they contain.
Here are some of the miraculous benefits of aloe for our bodies:
1. Antioxidant and antibacterial action
Aloe Vera contains a number of powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. According to scientific research, these antioxidants help reduce the population of bacteria that are harmful to our health. At the same time, the fungicidal and antimicrobial actions of the plant contribute to the rapid healing of the body and the prevention of many diseases, such as flu and colds.
2. Strengthening the immune system
The large number of enzymes found in Aloe Vera contribute to the breakdown of the proteins we consume into amino acids and the release of large amounts of energy, which allow our cells to function properly. The high content of the herb in vitamins (E, C, A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid), minerals, and trace elements, strengthens our immune system, prevents infections, increases energy, and balances our mood.
3. Burn healing
It is widely known that aloe vera is an excellent remedy for burns caused by exposure to the sun or contact with a hot object. The jelly of the plant repairs the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation to the skin and helps it heal faster. Research has proven that the use of Aloe Vera in first- and second-degree burns not only relieves pain and regenerates skin tissue, but also produces results sooner than many conventional medications.
4. Hydration and improvement of skin quality
The high content of Aloe Vera in water (99%), combined with the nutrients it contains, contributes to the deep hydration and nourishment of the skin. At the same time, it increases the production of collagen and elastin, offering an anti-aging effect and increasing blood circulation in the area. Another property of the plant is its ability to fight skin toxicity and free radicals.
5. Fighting rashes and skin irritations
Thanks to its antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic actions, Aloe Vera is able to treat skin diseases such as: acne, psoriasis, skin spots, etc. Relieving itching and suppressing bleeding from minor abrasions are some of its benefits.

6. Treatment of gastrointestinal problems
Aloe Vera cleans our digestive system and improves digestion, regulating the flora of the large intestine. This time it is the latex, not the gel, that provides the benefits. The latex is a sticky yellow residue present just under the skin of the leaf. Due to its ability to adapt to the needs of each organism, it is equally helpful in dealing with constipation and diarrhea, while it is indicated for diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and esophageal reflux.
7. Reduction of dental plaque and strengthening of the gums
Tooth decay and diseases of the gums are very common health problems. One of the best ways to prevent these conditions is to reduce the buildup of plaque, or bacterial biofilms, on the teeth. Modern studies have shown that the administration of Aloe Vera causes the killing of the bacterium Streptococcus mutans, which is responsible for the creation of dental plaque. Also, the plant’s nutrients reduce the risk of infections inside the mouth and contribute to good blood circulation in the gum area.
8. Cholesterol reduction
One of the main benefits of aloe in the body is the reduction of blood glucose and triglyceride levels. It thus contributes to the treatment of many diseases, including diabetes and increased cholesterol. It also helps regulate blood pressure and improve blood circulation and oxidation, preventing many cardiovascular diseases.
9. Weight loss
By improving the functioning of our digestive and circulatory system, enhancing the absorption of nutrients from the body and contributing to the detoxification and strengthening of our body, Aloe Vera helps us to increase our energy and maintain a normal weight.
Aloe Vera Risks
Researchers warn against the chronic use of aloe vera. But if the aloe product is free of aloin, an extract of the plant that has been found to cause colorectal cancer in rats, it may be OK as a topical remedy for sunburn. Aloin is found between the outer leaf of the aloe plant and the gooey stuff inside.