Is it time to discover the ways that will help you make time for you and your partner?
Are there days when your schedule feels like a gruelling marathon with time and obligations? Are there days when the only time you manage to sync with your partner is when you both fall asleep? Do you wish you could somehow magically make time for yourself to share with your loved ones?
If the answer to the above questions is a big “yes”, then know that you are not the only one who faces this problem in their daily lives. The intense rhythms, your demanding schedule, and the deadlines inside and outside the office, do not allow you to enjoy the presence of your partner as much as you would like, even if you share the same house.
On the other hand, of course, it is important to remember that the quality time you dedicate to you and your loved ones, and indeed, to the chosen one of your heart, are the small, enjoyable moments that add value to your day. So, maybe it’s time to discover ways to help you make time for you both? If you’re wondering how to do it, we’ve put together some easy and fun solutions below!
1. Make the most of the time you spend together before you go to bed
The easiest way to create shared time with your partner is to take advantage of the minutes you share before you fall asleep. Coming to the close of another day, there’s no better way than to take stock of the 24 hours you’re leaving behind. A meaningful discussion about the highlights of the day will relieve you and help you maintain the meaningful contact that exists between you. Alternatively, you can simply put away your smartphones and tablets so that you can dedicate this time to you.

2. Create a delicious ritual with your favorite flavor
By the time you come back from the office feeling tired, your partner is getting ready to leave for his afternoon workout. Are there a few shared minutes that you share the same space with your significant other, but they are few and you don’t know how you can use them to turn them into quality time together? So, how about trying to turn these few minutes into a delightful ritual that would bring you together through your favorite flavor? All you need to make this scenario come true is to cook together some simple dishes (or more complex ones, if you wish), which will become a delicious habit that will bring you closer and closer every day.
3. Invite your partner to share your daily life
When you don’t share the same house as your partner, it can be a little more difficult to make time for your relationship. However, when there is willingness on both sides, it is easy to find solutions to any problem. And one of those solutions is to invite your partner to share your daily life. Ask them to accompany you on your visit to the supermarket, the afternoon run you enjoy, even the morning coffee before going to the office. The next day or the next week, you can take part in their habits.
4. Start a new activity together that interests both of you
Do you want to start Latin or Tango lessons? Are you thinking of investing in a new foreign language or would you like to take pottery classes? Whatever new activity you are interested in starting, don’t forget that you can always suggest that your partner follow your plans or discover some common activity together, which will allow you to make time for yourself. In any case, don’t forget that after each lesson you take, you will have the opportunity to share thoughts, opinions or simply, reward yourself with your favorite dish.
Even if you think that time is not on your side, even if you don’t have enough hours in a day to do what you want, there are always ways to enjoy the company of the people you love, as long as you remember that the solution lies in the little things, in the simple habits, the small but priceless moments of pleasure that bring us together.